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Mother Jones
List Price: $35.70
Our Price: $15.00
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Availability: Usually ships in 2 to 4 months
Manufacturer: Foundation for National Progress
Average Customer Rating: Average rating of 4.5/5Average rating of 4.5/5Average rating of 4.5/5Average rating of 4.5/5Average rating of 4.5/5

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Binding: Magazine
First Issue Lead Time: 12-16
Format: Magazine Subscription
Issues Per Year: 6
Label: Foundation for National Progress
Magazine Type: Consumer magazine
Manufacturer: Foundation for National Progress
Number Of Issues: 6
Publisher: Foundation for National Progress
Release Date: 2001-11-23
Studio: Foundation for National Progress
Subscription Length: 365

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Editorial Reviews:

Mother Jones is a non-profit magazine that does investigative reporting. To borrow a concept from Hemingway, our editors and reporters have well-tuned "B.S. detectors." They share, with a lot of other people, a fundamental crankiness about bad decisions, hypocrisy, and out-and-out crimes committed by people in power. What's fun and different is that they get to do something about it. The result is a colorful magazine packed with reporting and context that helps make sense of the news. Plus hope, compassion, and heart.

For more than 30 years, Mother Jones has never been afraid to ask the tough questions, or print what we find out. Mother Jones is independent. Nonprofit. Dedicated to the highest standards of accuracy and fairness. Obligated only to our readers. Over the years Mother Jones has won virtually every award available to magazines -- including four National Magazine Awards -- while it has ticked off business and government honchos like no other. We're proud of both distinctions.

Intrigued? Subscribe -- for yourself or someone you care about. (Mother Jones makes a great gift.) All Mother Jones subscriptions come with our complete guarantee: if at any time, for any reason, you wish to cancel we'll send you a refund on all unserved issues

Spotlight customer reviews:

Customer Rating: Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5
Summary: readable articles, with good research, plus analysis!
Comment: this magazine is usually well received among progressive activists although many of us had a major problem with some coverage in the past. i won't get to it at this time but i must say that the last one i've read (?May/June edition) had a very good coverage in the issue of the prison industrial complex, putting human faces behind all the build up of prisons, the absurd increase in the prison population in the U.S. by far leading in the incarceration of our people, young and old alike, the racist system we still live in, etc. also, the coverage for the issue of foreclosure was very thorough and finally shed some light on my questions regarding the reasons why, and who is responsible for this mess. check it out.

Customer Rating: Average rating of 4/5Average rating of 4/5Average rating of 4/5Average rating of 4/5Average rating of 4/5
Summary: Interesting read
Comment: Just got my first issue last week. They'd sent an offer for $10/year. Never heard of MJ before, but based on the reviews here, thought I'd try it. (I'm already on the hit list for all the non profits.) To give some background, I subscribe to Foreign Policy & Wilson Quarterly, and read the NY Times & Economist when I have time. While the writing quality is nowhere near FP/WQ/NYT/E, I recommend this magazine for the interesting topics it covers. In this month's issue for example, they have a general overall theme of torture. There's the standard article on Abu Ghraib. But they also have an interview of a solider back from Iraq and the complex mix of guilt/pride he feels. In another one they write about Fox Network's reality TV show "Solitary" - is it torture if participants are willing? Hmmm.

RATING: 3 1/2 stars. Good content/topics, but not a fan of the overall writing style.

Customer Rating: Average rating of 4/5Average rating of 4/5Average rating of 4/5Average rating of 4/5Average rating of 4/5
Summary: should be free--get ready to receive LOTS of junk mail
Comment: I've subscribed to all sorts of magazines over the years including fashion, art, home decor, parenting and even a dog magazine. This is by far the best magazine out there. After I'm done reading it I feel like it was time well spent. Full of excellent writing and information.

HOWEVER, ever since I got a subscription I started receiving TONS of junk mail from all sorts of organizations like the Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, other political magazines, and now with the presidential race coming up, political candidates! It's endless. Not a week goes by that I don't receive some sort of solicitation. If Mother Jones is going to sell my name and address to so many organizations then I think my subscription should be free (that's why I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars)!

Customer Rating: Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5
Summary: Good left leaning muckraking magazine
Comment: I lean left politically and was looking for a magizine to inform and get me thinking. I tried several others, including The Nation, and settled on and subscribed to Mother Jones. While the magazine leans left, it does so in a more informed and intellectually honest way, as opposed to a rah rah banner waving way. It mixes in a bit more social commentary and investigation as opposed to political propoganda and endless articles on how to defeat the Republicans. If you're interested in a solid investigative, left leaning magazine, check out Mother Jones. Check out their web site, they have some free content and additional content that is available if you get the magazine.

Customer Rating: Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5
Summary: Not afraid to tackle the controversal issues!
Comment: This magazine confronts the most controversial and usually most important issues of our time. No mindless dribble through diversionary news (who won American Idol) in here, just the news that needs to be discussed. The issues corporate war mongers want to keep American's deaf to.

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