Missing Title

Written by admin on September 20th, 2008 in Site Development.

We have over 5,300 martial arts sites categorized in our Directory. It was done through a search bot (similar to all the ones used by Yahoo and Google) that goes to all the sites, captures their title, description, and contents to look for martial arts keywords and report back to us whether certain sites should be listed in our directory or not.

Many times, some of the webmasters don’t bother to even put the title of their website which makes it difficult for people or search bots to know what that site is about.

So, our recommendation #1 is make sure your site has the proper title for your site. This should be very easily done by adding this line of code at the top of your main hompage code. Your title is typically the name of the site.

[Title] CompleteMartialArts.com [/Title]

It’s also our recommendation that your other pages have a unique title of its own, that is different from your main title. For example, if you have an About Us page then something like.

[Title] About Us - CompleteMartialArts.com [/Title]

That way, both the human visitors and search bots will easily know what that page is all about.

Here are all of our pages indexed by Google. Notice the different titles for all the pages.

Google Index

If you want to see how many pages of your website is indexed by Google, click on the link above, change the site to yours (site:www.yourdomain.com)

Hope this information helped you in someways and look forward to your comments.

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One Response to “Missing Title”

  1. Newbie Says:

    Thanks for the info. I didn’t know how important it was to have the unique title for each pages until I saw what the search engine would show.

    Keep up the great work!!

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