Archive for October, 2008

Understanding Your Website Score

Written by admin on Monday, October 6th, 2008 in Site Development.

There are many ways to check how much traffic a certain site gets by using Alexa Ranking or Compete Score. Of course it is 100% accurate but does give you some ideas of a brand new site versus an established site.

Google, the most popular search engine, assigns a rank to each page not just to the main domain. Their rank is based on 10 point system with 10 being most linked and 0 being pretty much brand new with no other websites linking to it.

Our main site is PR4 (4/10), which means it has quite a bit of other related sites linking to this site. What is your PR and how can you raise it? And why should you raise it?

Well, it’s a Google’s way of defining “value” to each of the websites they indexed and chances are they will give preference in search order to pages with higher rank than lower rank. And way to raise PR is to have other high PR pages that have links to your page.

I’ve actually seen the metric that Google uses to assign the PR rank but can’t find it anymore. When I do, I’ll be sure to post it here.

So, why bother with these arbitrary numbers? It’s a way to know whether your site is improving or falling behind. Internet is not sitting still. There are gazillion new sites starting every day and wants to take the traffic away from your site. Don’t let your site sit still and fall behind. Always look for ways to improve and attract more traffic.

Popularity: unranked [?]

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